Charles Tanford Protein Centre

Charles Tanford Popart
The Charles Tanford Protein Center (CTP) is a research building of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg that is dedicated to protein research. The CTP houses groups from three different faculties: the Faculty of Natural Sciences I (seven groups from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology and one from the Institute of Pharmacy), the Faculty of Natural Sciences II (one group from the Institute of Chemistry) and the Medical Faculty (Institute of Molecular Medicine). The CTP also accommodates the interdisciplinary ZIK HALOmem, working on membrane proteins, as well as a central service facility for mass spectrometry and a core facility Imaging.
Research topics at the CTP range from chemical to medical and biological problems and comprise, among others, the following topics: protein and peptide chemistry, protein structure, post-translational protein modifications, membrane proteins, roles of proteins in RNA metabolism and in tumor formation. Participating scientists use a number of sophisticated methods, including X-ray crystallography, NMR, mass spectrometry, high-end light microscopy, chemical peptide synthesis etc. Other equipment and methods, such as higher field NMR spectrometers, can be used in cooperation with neighboring institutions.
Construction of the CTP was funded by the federal government and the government of the state of Sachsen-Anhalt. Funds were raised by the participating scientists in a competitive application procedure overseen by the Wissenschaftsrat. Owing to the conditions imposed by the funding procedure, the CTP is a pure research building with no teaching facilities. However, by performing the experimental work for their Bachelor's and Master's theses in the labs of the CTP, students of various programs are directly involved in CTP research.
The CTP started its work in March 2018.
In honour of Charles Tanford
Since 28 August 2017, the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg owns a new research centre: Federal Research Minister Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka has handed over the "Charles Tanford Protein Centre" to the University.
The designated spokesperson and future user Prof. Dr. Milton T. Stubbs was particularly pleased with the completion of the Protein Centre: "Thanks to the Federal government and the State of Saxony Anhalt, we have a great opportunity for synergies of research groups devoted to protein science". The centre is named after the protein chemist Charles Tanford, and Prof. Stubbs conveyed moving words from his family to the guests.*
Charles Tanford (1921-2009) was a pioneer in protein research. He was born in Halle to a Jewish family under the name Karl Tannenbaum. The family emigrated to England in 1929, where they changed their surname to Tanford. Charles received his academic education in the USA, where he spent his entire scientific life, carrying out fundamental work on the protein stability and folding.
*"When Charles Tanford was born in Halle in 1921, his family could not have imagined that 96 years later this University would be dedicating a building in his name. Yet it has happened and it testifies to a casting aside of the past and an embrace of a peaceful future. In the name of his children and the extended families of Charles Tanford (Tannenbaums, Eisenbrucks, and Reynolds) we thank you for this honor, look forward to visiting, and wish for you all good things and a successful future. Shalom and Berachot.” Jackie Reynolds / Alexander Tanford