ctPhDs Meetings
It was an honour ...
The ctPhDs meetings are on hold until further notice, initially due to the 2020 pandemic and then due to the departure of some of the organisers. We wish them - and all of you - every success on new endeavours.
It was a wonderful, educating and exciting experience to organise the events and witness the lively scientific exchange - it was an honour!
Your ctPhDs team
PS: As most of the infrastructure and organisation of the ctPhDs meetings is still available, we are only missing a few motivated PhDs for the relaunch of the event series - so if you are interested in such organisational tasks, please get in touch!
The ctPhDs Meeting: Just another meeting?
For about one hour every four weeks two speakers will tell you about their work and then face the critical questions of the audience. They are accompanied by a moderator. So far - so common.
The special feature: You hear talks by PhD students from their daily scientific work! In the subsequent discussions, they are available with their own personal experience. If your questions have not been completely answered or you can provide helpful hints, the "Biergarten" is available after the event, in which an even more informal atmosphere invites you to a free debate.
There are three clear goals for the ctPhDs meeting:
- scientific communication
> Exchange of topics, ideas, methods ...
> Foundation for every form of cooperation - scientific cooperation
> Promotion of lucrative synergies
> Cooperation between WGs, institutes, faculties ... - personal training
> Exercise of lectures, discussions, moderation ...
> Learn new ways of thinking from scientists with a different focus
One last request: We wish for discussions on an equal footing, in which only knowledge and experience counts. Therefore please leave your degree(s) outside.